Saturday, April 21, 2012

Another sprite comic in progress!

Check it out! This is the beginning of my sprite series, SONIC Comic!

 Mario and Sonic stand off.
 Sonic doubts Mario's power, "you sure don't look strong."
 Sonic begins his attack. Mario seems to be scared.
 "I can't... I can't do this. What are you doing?!" Mario doesn't reply.
Mario jumps up! He surprised Sonic. Mario appears taller and wider... Hmmm...

 So yeah, that's it for now, it's still a work in progress. Oh! I made a custom Sonic Character! But You'll see him later in this chapter.

Long Time No See... well Post (lol) !

 Hey guys! Long time no see right? But look what I made today, it's pretty lame but, I don't care since I prefer sprite comics.
-But can you guess what it is?
  -If you guessed sprite animation you are correct!

Please tell me what you guys (the viewers) think. Should I keep practicing or should I stick with sprite comics?